Foods That Might Help To Boost Your Breastmilk Supply When Pumping - Pigeon Kenya

Foods that might help to boost your breastmilk supply when pumping

Foods that might help to boost your breastmilk supply when pumping

Experts and international organizations recommend exclusive breastfeeding for infants up to six months. But some mothers would find it hard to feed their baby when their breastmilk supply is much lesser when compared to the needs of their baby. During these six months, there is only this breastmilk to satisfy the baby’s hunger. Besides, their digestive system won’t be developed enough to digest any other kind of food.

So, worries about not producing required breastmilk are common among new mothers. Thus, they will have to opt for methods to increase their breastmilk supply. The first thing anyone would consider is to look for supplements that can help them to boost the milk supply. But one of the best things such mothers can do is go for a balanced and healthy diet. Their diet plays a significant role in their milk production, including specific food items in their diet containing chemical properties that may aid this purpose. These foods are full of vitamins and minerals. Throughout the world, women from different cultures consume such foods after childbirth and while they are breastfeeding. Also, consider that sometimes milk production may also depend on factors like stress and anxiety, frequent traveling, and if the baby is nursing less. So in situations like that, find a solution accordingly.

Here are some foods to increase breast milk supply

  • Fenugreek: These aromatic seeds are potential galactagogues. A galactagogue is a food or drug that can help a breastfeeding mother to increase her breastmilk production. Fenugreek seeds have oestrogen-like compounds (Phyto-oestrogen) in them that can enhance the milk supply. Studies have proven that mothers who consumed fenugreek on a daily basis had a significant increase in the amount of milk they produced. Mothers can just put one teaspoon of whole fenugreek seeds into boiling water, boil them for 15 minutes and drink it throughout the day. Remember, fenugreek can worsen the situation for asthmatic persons, so it should be used with caution by them
  • Whole grains: Breastfeeding mothers can benefit greatly from consuming whole grains. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants and can benefit new moms in many other ways. It is said that whole grains have properties that support the hormones that are essential for milk production. So, eating whole grains may increase the breastmilk supply. The most used among them is oatmeal. You can also try barley, whole grain brown rice, and oatmeal cookies.
  • Fennel seeds: Fennel seeds are widely used around the world to give flavour to food. But they can also be consumed as such as a vegetable or can be eaten raw. Just like fenugreek, fennel seeds also have Phyto-oestrogen that can aid in the production of milk. They can be made to boil in water and be consumed as nursing tea or can be eaten raw.
  • Garlic: This aromatic ingredient has a way of making any food delicious just by adding them. Several mothers swear by their words that garlic can increase the production of breastmilk. The strong odour of breastmilk is sure to go into breastmilk. Sometimes babies won’t like this and may also show signs of food sensitivity. So, follow the lead of your little one. You can add garlic to your diet by using it to flavour your dishes.

Foods that you must avoid to increase breast milk supply

  • Alcohol: Long-term alcohol consumption can considerably affect breastmilk production and is a big no for nursing mothers. Alcohol also inhibits the milk ejection reflex. This will make it hard for the baby to get the mother’s milk. And if you are having an occasional drink, make sure that you have it after feeding your baby.
  • Parsley: Nursing mothers must avoid dishes that have large amounts of parsley if they are concerned about their milk production. Parsley is a diuretic and increases the production of urine. This can possibly affect milk production.
  • Sage and Oregano: Sage and Oregano can adversely impact milk production. Sage tea is often used to reduce the over-production of milk and to reduce breast engorgement.
  • Cabbage leaves: Cabbage leaves can also help with breast engorgement. But overdoing it can decrease your milk supply.

Other methods to increase breast milk supply while pumping

  • Pumping more often: Pumping milk more is one of the best ways to increase milk supply. Increase the number of times you pump and thereby emptying your breasts can trigger milk production and, in turn, increase the amount of milk produced.
  • Try power pumping: Power pumping is the act of pumping breast milk for a long duration, like for an hour or with timely intervals. Since the amount of breastmilk produced directly depends on its demand, this method will tell your body to create more milk.
  • Use the right equipment: To make the pumping most effective, one must make sure that you are using a pump that is right for you. Everything from the size of the breast shield, speed of the suction, and the stimulation it creates affects the pumping. Choose the right breast pump for you from the stores. Pigeon Arabia has got a variety of breast pumps to fit into such choices of mothers.
  • Use lactation cookies and supplements: Lactation cookies with a lot of oatmeal and brewer’s yeast can help mothers with milk production. Also, add supplements to your diet that have galactagogues in them.
  • See a lactation consultant: If none of those mentioned earlier works for you, it is better to see a lactation consultant so that you can rule out any other possible underlying issues. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and ask for the help you need. You got this, Mama!

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