About Pigeon - Pigeon Kenya

About Pigeon

Pigeon promotes baby’s healthy growth and the happiness of mother and family through advanced research and development innovation. For over a half-century since our establishment, Pigeon has worked tirelessly to develop beneficial maternity and baby care products for easy, enjoyable use. Our expertise and dedication to progress are always at your service.

Dedicated to the Benefits of Breastmilk

Breast milk is the most precious gift a mother can give her baby, providing nutrients necessary for healthy growth and antibodies that protect baby from disease. And, the time spent breastfeeding helps foster a stronger bond with your baby. The benefits are so great that your baby should be fed breast milk exclusively from birth to six months, and we also recommend breast milk be given in addition to solid foods until at least 12 months. Breast milk is the most precious gift a mother can give her baby, providing nutrients necessary for healthy growth and antibodies that protect baby from disease. And, the time spent breastfeeding helps foster a stronger bond with your baby.

The benefits are so great that your baby should be fed breast milk exclusively from birth to six months, and we also recommend breast milk be given in addition to solid foods until at least 12 months.

With more than 60 years of intensive infant feeding research, Pigeon offers the finest quality breastfeeding accessories to families around the world. For mothers who want their children to benefit from breast milk, we offer superior products that help provide this essential nourishment.

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