1st-Time Father: How To Support Your Wife - Pigeon Kenya

How to support your wife

Why not help your wife with household chores and baby care?

Babies are overloaded with cuteness and all you want to do is keep looking at your baby. You’ll think ‘’I’m a father!’’ much more than before delivery.

However, you’ll be engulfed by uncertainty about raising a baby and taking care of him. The mother has learned quite a lot during the pregnancy about baby care but it might not be the same for you understandably. There are still things you can do to help her out and take care of the baby as a father. Just do your best and enjoy caring for your baby along with your wife.

Two parents playing with their child

Remember, if it is your first baby then the mother will also be as uncertain. She is going to have to feed the baby as well as change the diapers. This will exhaust her as she also won’t be getting enough sleep. You yourself will definitely be busy but it is a good idea to try and help her out with the baby as well as housework.

How can a father help the mother?

1. Helping with household chores and child-rearing

The mother will be performing numerous tasks right after the baby is born including feeding the baby, changing diapers, and bathing as well. You can help her out by performing laundry and cleaning. Even some nighttime feeding and cleaning would help the mother a lot and allow her to rest a bit. Even if you are not able to help. Simply asking her if she needs help with anything would lighten her burden a bit.

2. Frequently communicating with your wife
Your wife is not used to taking care of the baby and she has to do it all day every day. This might tire her and even irritate her a bit. She must have a lot to tell you about the baby because the baby’s expressions are changing on a daily basis. You might not be able to stay home the whole day because of your job but you need to reassure her that your heart is with her and ask her about the day. Share your feeling as well as listen to hers and ask about the baby’s development. Remember, you two will be partners in raising the child.

3. Enjoy watching your baby grow up, together
Your baby will grow up in front of your eyes. He’ll learn newer reflexes every day. He’ll start holding his head up and his arms/legs will grow as well as ever-changing facial expressions. The baby will also learn to communicate how he is feeling using facial expressions and sounds and even some words. In the first few years, the baby will grow and change with each passing day. It is the time to connect with your baby and both of you need to enjoy this fascinating time.

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