Policy On Privacy Protection - Pigeon Kenya

Privacy Policy

At PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA, your privacy is of the utmost importance. We hope that this policy will help you understand the kind of personal data we collect and how we handle and use any personal data after collection.

A. Applicability

By accessing and using this site, your use indicates your agreement to the terms of this Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not use this site.

B. Collection and Use of Information

Unless you provide additional information, PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA collects only the following non-personal information as you browse through the website:

  • The domain name and browser you use to access the Internet
  • The IP address of your computer
  • The date and time of your visit
  • The pages you visited, and
  • The address of the website you visited immediately prior to visiting the PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA site

By accessing the Site, you are agreeing to allow PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA to collect and utilise your information for any lawful purpose. Because of the nature of the Internet, your data may pass through any country.

C. Personal Data Provided by You

To respond to your questions or fulfill your enquiries it may be necessary to ask for personal data. If you provide us requested information, we may use it as applicable to respond to your requests, customise your user experience with us, determine your satisfaction with PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA products and/or services or contact you via mail, e-mail, mobile message or phone or, in accordance with local law, use such means to inform you of new products, services or promotions we may offer.

By providing PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA information through this site, you acknowledge and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of personally identifying information of the type and for the limited purposes described in this Policy.

To safeguard your personal data, all electronic storage and transmission of personal data are secured with appropriate security technologies. This site may contain links to other sites whose data protection and privacy practices may differ from ours. We are not responsible for the content and privacy practices of these other websites and encourage you to consult the privacy notices of those sites.

D. Personal Data Protection Policy Outline

PIGEON Malaysia may need to collect your personal data from time to time to provide any product or service to you or to answer any of your enquiries or respond to any of your complaints or feedback. PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA views data protection seriously and has taken measures to protect your personal data.

This Personal Data Protection Policy Outline (“Policy Outline”) contains the details of how PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA will collect, use, disclose, and otherwise manage your personal data. It applies to all persons to whom PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA provides any product and/or service (collectively referred to as “Customers” in this Policy), persons who provide personal data through PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s websites and contact details, and any other person whose personal data is in our possession or under PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s control.

If you have any concerns in relation to PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA handling of your personal data, please feel free to contact PIGEON Malaysia via e-mail at customerservice.pmy@pigeon.com.

1. Notification of purposes for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data.

PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA may collect, use and disclose your personal data for one or more of the following purposes (collectively, the “Purposes”):

1.1 To observe any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements of any relevant jurisdiction (including any disclosure or notification requirements to which PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA is subject).

1.2 To comply with PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s policies and procedures and those policies and procedures of PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s related companies (including without limitation any reporting and disclosure policies and procedures).

1.3 To carry out due diligence, monitoring or other screening activities in accordance with PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s legal or regulatory obligations or risk management procedures.

1.4 If you are a Customer, for the purposes of providing you a product or service, including but not limited to:

(a) Responding to your feedback, complaints, and enquiries;

(b) Contacting you in respect of defects and warranties, and repair and replacement and the provision of any spare parts

1.5 If you are a Customer, for the purposes of:

(a) Checking if you are listed on the Do Not Call Register;

(b) Conducting any marketing and/or advertising activities, including but not limited to organising and inviting you to any promotion events, contests and lucky draws; inviting you to join any loyalty programme or community on social media platforms; organising and inviting you to any seminars conducted by PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA; and contacting you regarding any offerings from PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA or PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s external business partners that may be of interest to you. In any of these Purposes under paragraph

1.5(b) herein, PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA may also share your personal information to any third parties who are in partnership or contractual relationship with PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA;

(c) Conducting any market research activities, including but not limited to contacting you to request your completion of surveys to understand your opinion of current services or products offered, or potential new services or products that may be offered, by PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA.

For the avoidance of doubt, PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA will not require Customers to give consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of their personal data as a condition for providing Customers with a product or service, except where to require such consent is reasonable for the purposes of PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA providing the Customers with the product or service. In particular, PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA does not require a Customer to give his/her consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of his/her personal data for the purposes listed in paragraph 1.5(b) and (c) as a condition for PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA to provide any product or service to him/her, and may at any time withdraw his/her consent to such collection, use and/or disclosure pursuant to paragraph 2.


2. Consent / Withdrawal of Consent.

2.1 If PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA makes any request directly to you for your personal data through a consent form (“Form”), such request shall be deemed (unless otherwise specified by PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA ) to include a request for PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA to collect, use, and disclose such personal data for the purposes stated therein and for any of the Purposes above.

2.2 By voluntarily providing your personal data (whether through the Form or any other document (including in your warranty registration, event registration, any information submitted via PPIGEON BABY LAB KENYA website, and any correspondence with PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA, as applicable) or directly from your or indirectly through other sources) to PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA, you consent or are deemed to consent to PPIGEON BABY LAB KENYA collecting, using, and/or disclosing such personal data for any of the Purposes above as the same may be applicable to you.

2.3 You may withdraw your consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data by PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA for any purpose by giving reasonable written notice to PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA, delivered by way of e-mail transmission, providing relevant details of the personal data and the purposes for which you are withdrawing consent.


3. Accuracy and Correction.

All personal data provided by you to PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA shall be deemed in all respects to be accurate and complete. PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA may, however, require your assistance to verify the accuracy and completeness of your personal data from time to time. You may also request, by way of e-mail to PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA, to correct an error or omission in your personal data in PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s possession or under its control. Your e-mail should provide sufficient detail to enable PIGEON Malaysia to respond to your request.


4. Access.

You may request, by way of e-mail to PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA, to have access to your personal data in PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA’s possession or under its control and information about the ways in which your personal data may have been used and/or disclosed by PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA within the period of one year before the date of request. Your e-mail should provide sufficient detail to enable PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA to respond to your request. Please note that PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA may charge you a fee for responding to your request. If so, PIGEON BABY LAB KENYA will provide you with a written estimate of such fee for your agreement

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